
for godparents and volunters

What exactly can be done when a person is depressed is not easy to say. Each depression is simply too different, the progression too individual. Only one thing is clear: Social contacts always help!

It helps those affected to create positive experiences and thus not to slip further into the vicious circle of negative thoughts of a depression, or even to break out of this vicious circle completely.

Mentoring is, therefore, no guarantee against depression, but it can help or prevent depression from occurring in the first place.
And this applies to both sides;

to those who help and to those who receive help. So, it is a particularly nice side-aspect of mentoring: Both sides always benefit.

So how can you help, if depression is really present? Precisely that is not so easy. Yet, given the fact that depression is often overlooked, it is a good first step to inform yourself about it on this page. Because this means: I was attentive and can now act. Now, the question arises: Is depression really present? Our do-it-yourself checklist is suitable for learning more about this.

With the help of this list, you can assess whether or not depression is present. Of course, this checklist may be quick and easy for you, but it is difficult for those affected.

The main problem is that people with depression often withdraw. Only very few people can talk openly about it. On the one hand, because depression is still stigmatized and, on the other hand, because it is something that affects them deeply. Talking about it with others is usually not easy. When you realize this, you have already taken the next step and can start trying to have a conversation. Here, it is especially important to create a calm, relaxed and, therefore, familiar atmosphere for conversation.

It is not only the conversation that is important, but also the time afterwards. Even if the person concerned recognizes that he or she has depressive traits, he or she does not automatically seek help. Much more likely are thought patterns like: “This will pass, eventually” or “Nobody can help me anyway.” This can lead to the person saying that they want to seek help, but in the end, they don’t do it. Here applies: Caution! Too much pressure at this point leads to a blockade attitude, to defensiveness, and the probability that the person will seek help decreases. That is why, it is better to encourage them in a positive way. Offer support, such as: “We can look for suitable help together, if you want”. In this way, the probability that the person will seek help increases on its own.

For it will not work without help. Depression is a serious illness for which professional help must be sought. There is no way around it. However, the good thing is that even if we cannot all help professionally, we can still do important preventive work. Namely, by cultivating and enjoying our social contacts. In this way, we not only prevent depression in others, but also in ourselves.