sadness, trauma

Recognizing, understanding and coping with

Some people may not realize it yet, but depression is an illness! The same applies to this one as to all others: The earlier it is detected, the better! This helps those affected and their families to deal with the difficulties that such an illness brings with it. Furthermore, if something is done early, the problems that such an illness brings with it may not be so great. With the right support, all those involved can take courage, (re) discover their strengths and – very importantly – act together. Thus, it is perhaps possible to counteract depression while it is just beginning to develop.
Still, recognizing depression is not so easy. Especially since there are usually several symptoms, signs and indications that a person is depressed. What is particularly difficult is that depression is so diverse that it is difficult to make generalizations. Its progression varies for every individual, and so the symptoms of two depressed people can be fundamentally different. You can definitely use our do-it-yourself checklist as a reference point.
This checklist lists a wide variety of signs and indications of depression.

A look at the list also makes it clear that the factors do not only have one direction. Rather, they are psychological and social factors. Biological factors also play a role in the manifestation of depression. All this makes it very difficult to recognize a depression. If the suspicion is confirmed, professional help should definitely be sought! Professionals are better able to recognize, distinguish and classify the individual factors, something that is crucial for treatment.

Now, back to the question: What triggers depression? Again, the answer is: It varies from person to person. Fundamentally, people can have a biological or psychosocial vulnerability to depression. This means that they may have a genetic predisposition, physical illnesses or that they may have had unfavorable experiences growing up, for example, they might be socioeconomically disadvantaged. If a life-changing experience such as a separation, relocation or change of schools or even sexual abuse is added to the problem, depression can develop.

The problem is that it seems to the person that there is no way out. A negative underlying mood gradually changes the whole way of thinking. This in turn leads to changes in behaviour. These changes, in turn, lead to new negative thoughts and so on and so forth. A vicious circle. One that makes it clear how important it is to recognize depression early on. Of course, taking appropriate action is also important, which means: seeking professional help!

A look at the overview Seeking and finding professional help will certainly not hurt.